Where I Can Find...
-A Customer's Friend
The New Way To Recommend Your Business Is A Remix Of The Old Way!
Want in on the First social selling app that lets small businesses market to new customers with no upfront cost? RelyCircle lets you connect with new customers, get referrals, and reward customers who bring you more business.
Only Pay When You Get Paid!
Zero Upfront Cost
Free Email & Text Marketing Tools
Connect With Customers
Instead of throwing money into the ether (Internet Ads) try out the new community-based social selling platform for small businesses.

Compare that to other social media platforms where you have to pay to advertise your business whether or not it brings you any results, and the choice is clear!
What if that network was available to businesses with no upfront cost?
Emlpoyees Can Redeem Referrals
Quick & Easy Implementation
Referrals Verified From Real People
RelyCircle Recommendations Outshine Typical Online Reviews
What Can Recommendations
Do For My Business?

Did you know that 8/10 of Americans
from friends or family before deciding to buy?
This is according to the National Harris Poll Survey, and should add social proof to the power of personal recommendations.
Get Customers Through Word of Mouth
*Source; Tips 59, Anita Campbell In Marketing. “85 Percent of Small Businesses Get Customers through Word of Mouth.” Small Business Trends.
That’s 2/3 of potential growth being wasted.
* Source: Texas Tech University & Advisor Impact– “Anatomy of the Referral: Economics of Loyalty”.
The 'Facebook' won't replace face-to-face referrals.

It makes every dollar count by making it easy for a customer to recommend your services.
Focus on increasing the experience of your business and not the ‘likes’ of a social media post.

Get access to a local network that helps show your credentials.
As a freelance digital marketer and web developer, I use RelyCircle to communicate with customers and expand up my network to new clients.

Use word-of-mouth referral marketing because your line of work requires a lot of trust.
Stop going over budget using traditional channels of digital marketing like Google or Facebook ads with brief engagement and mediocre sales.

RelyCircle lets you redeem customer coupons with your phone.
Employees at every level can easily redeem customer coupons or referrals using with an app and android or apple device.
We automatically uploaded every transaction to a portal on your businesses account and updates in real-time.

Managed service providers are constantly fixing computer issues and securing the networks of their clients.
IT support is a competitive business and local MSP’s finds a good chunk of their business through word of mouth.
Taking the time to build a website that reaches would be customers searching online is only getting harder.
Using RelyCircle helps get your services at the top of local searches by just getting recommendations and reviews.

Often people ask for dental service recommendations in face-to-face conversations.
Few people are social about their tooth decay issues and find their dental help by asking a trusted friend for a referral or verify someone from a reputable reviewer.
Use word-of-mouth marketing with RelyCircle’s patented software suite of tools because your line of work requires a lot of trust.
Generate Reliable Streams Of Income!
RelyCircle is the worlds First social selling app that lets small businesses market to new customers with Zero upfront cost.
This unique referral system makes RelyCircle the only platform to offer a Zero up-front cost marketing system for small businesses.
RelyCircle is the world’s first rewards-based referral marketing social network that gets businesses more customers by tracking and motivating successful referrals.
- Using social recommendation platforms like RelyCircle for your small business's referral system helps connects you with the local community.
- Instead of displaying your business as another soulless online advertisement, that gets scrolled through with brief engagement!
Focus on increasing the experience of your business and not the 'likes' of a social media post.
RelyCircle harnesses the power of positive word-of-mouth by rewarding your customers when their referrals on our social network turn into new sales for your business.
- Businesses list offers or coupons and agree on a referral fee on each of them.
- With the referral fee incentive; customers post their recommendations.
- RelyCircle tracks customers recommendations to new sales generated via offers and coupons.
- The referring customer gets rewarded. (Improves Customer Loyalty)
Registration to RelyCircle comes with:
- 100% free email & text marketing tools.
- 100% free leads directly to your email or phone.
- Unique benefits depending on your business needs.
As a RelyCircle Salesperson, I am here to help assist you in the onboarding process if you encounter any issues with registration.
There is no upfront cost, Joining is free. (No credit card required)
Also, no advertising or click fees; pay only after you gain a new customer.
Made By
Joseph C. Santiago,
Book A Complimentary Consolation:
It’s free to try, and I’m here to help walk you through the onboarding process.