The Next Generation of Search Engine Optimization

ATRICA AI Key Features

The key features to ATRICA, the first of its kind AI software that monitors and auto-responds to Google’s 200-plus unpredictable search algorithm factors.
Unequal To Paid Ads

SEO Makes Visitors Into Customers

SEO is more effective than paid search advertising (70% of clicks in Google search results go to organic, only 30% going to Google Ads).
No SEO = No Business

Out Rank Competitors

Businesses are investing an average of 41% of their marketing budget on SEO, and this percentage is expected to grow to over 45% in 2021.
24 Hours A Day

Actively Working

Search algorithms (Like Google) now uses over 200 factors to rank websites, and they guard these ever-changing factors more heavily than the Crown Jewels.
The Key-Word

Game Changer

Search algorithms (Like Google) now uses over 200 factors to rank websites, and they guard these ever-changing factors more heavily than even the  KFC Original Recipe.
The biggest advantage is how ATRICA uses keywords.

What Is ATRICA AI Software's Unique Selling Point?

Last Generation's SEO is not proactively making keywords visible to Google’s spiders for immediate ranking. Even with top keywords, The website’s ranking will always be less stable without surveillance.
Features Comparison Chart ATRICA Software Traditional SEO
Software controlled by integrated AI Yes No
Original unparalleled algorithm Yes No
Optimization processes without inclusion of backlinks Yes No
Continuous crawling and indexing of customer web pages Yes No
Automatic filtering of terms and integration of longtails to display searched keywords Yes No
Resistant to Google Updates (stable rankings) Yes "It Depends"
Keywords of old and new are transparently presented Yes "It Depends"
Inclusion of entities (automated) Yes "It Depends"
Management of 250 OTK keywords Yes "It Depends"
Identification of keywords that are no longer relevant Yes "It Depends"
Generates around 30 keywords in 90 days for top ranking (Page 1) Yes "It Depends"
Development of around 60 000 new RuK keywords (longtails and full sentences) AI Yes "It Depends"
ID (Identification numbers) for each keyword and website Yes "It Depends"
Automated YouTube Media Profile Optimization Yes "It Depends"
Mobile first optimization included Yes "It Depends"
Local SEO Included Yes "It Depends"

Before the second half of 2020 nobody would have predicted that an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software could do the work of an SEO team faster, better and at a fraction of the cost.

Nobody except the developer of ATRICA.

ATRICA is the world’s first and only Technical Ranking Algorithm software driven by Artificial Intelligence.


An IT Company based from Germany designed this proprietary software to monitor and auto-respond to the ever-changing technical ranking factors of Google’s search algorithm.


  • That means if Google changes – or even slightly adapts – one of its 200-plus ranking factors, ATRICA knows about it instantly.
ATRICA delivers SEO far more efficiently and effectively compared with humans.
It delivers the ultimate deal-breaker: Lost Potential.
Which is the number of leads and sales your business has lost because of human fallibility?
  • Every time humans miss a change in Google’s search algorithm, you lose leads/sales.
  • Every time humans are too slow to react to changes, you lose leads/sales.
  • Every time your page drops one place down in the search page, you lose leads/sales.It’s time to say goodbye to traditional SEO.Because if you don’t, your competition will.

Having a strong online presence backed by strategic SEO has long been important for any serious business. 


Why Consider ATRICA?

  • It Gets your website onto Page 1 of Google (AND keeps it there).
  • It hardly requires any human input compared to traditional SEO.
  • It is radically more cost efficient compared to hiring traditional SEO services.

ATRICA does the job of SEO faster and better than humans

It's even more important today with the increasing trends of remote work and widespread adopting of ecommerce.

You will receive an email upon making the secure payment. This email will have a link to where you can schedule the ATRICA on-boarding process.


1. The first on-boarding session will be where you OK the 250 OTK's and they get added to your website.


2. The second on-boarding session will be where we connect with CMS and complete the OTK's with you.

    • Within 5 business days - CSM and customer will put together 250 relevant OTKs (Orientation keywords).

3. The third on-boarding session will be with the CSM: comprising clarification about principal products/services, important keywords, whether they need to rank locally, nationally or globally, etc.


4. The fourth on-boarding session will be when ATRICA starts the calibration process and performs a website audit.

    • This highlights technical or SEO issues which need to be fixed in order for ATRICA to work optimally.


5. The fourth on-boarding session will be 3 months after the starting date of the audit.

    • Consultation and analyses of keyword performance and potential SEO website issues.

6. The fifth on-boarding session will be six months into the audit. CSM makes quarterly call to customer.

    • Consultation and analyses of keyword performance and potential SEO website issues.
This document shows the timeline from signing of the contract to the license renewal.

Top five reasons every serious e-commerce business needs a SEO solution like ATRICA AI Software:

  1. Gets your website onto Page 1 of Google
  2. Keeps it on Page 1
  3. Finds and implements new long-tail keywords
  4. Hardly any human input required
  5. Priced radically less than opting with traditional SEO services

Traditional SEO cannot proactively make keywords visible to Google’s spiders for immediate ranking.


  • This means that, even if you have the top keywords, your website’s ranking will be unstable. ATRICA makes keywords visible for immediate ranking.
  • This means keywords get automatically pinged and indexed, so your website’s ranking is stable and immune to Google updates. It’s a key Word game-changer!
Key Features | ATRICA, The Future Of SEO
Ranking In Organic Search Is Only Getting More Competitive

AI Tools Impart An SEO Advantage

The surging demand for organic reach (Especially in B2B industries) increases with the rise of CPC. When done strategically, SEO gets your target audience visiting your website with intent.

It’s Widely Known That Traditional SEO Take Too Long To Show Results. On average, a brand new website that is not yet out of Google’s elusive sandbox can take between 24–32 weeks before ranking for a coveted keyword!

Using ATRICA AI saves teams valuable human hours by updating itself (your website) to Google’s search algorithm in real time. This is one of many key features that makes AI SEO SaaS a game-changing for early adopters!

Why Choose AI Powered ATRICA?

1 Year Long-Term SEO Case Studies, Even In The Competitive Industries
Most businesses set their goal of getting on Google is to be positioned at the primary position, but ranking in the top three is a win for most marketing operations, Using ATRICA helps keep it there.

(Boost Rankings With ATRICA AI SEO Software!)

AI SEO takes no breaks! It’s working 24/7 to get an edge over even the bigger players in your respective industry. One of its key features is automation, so you do not have to anguish about that primary sales page being re-indexed or every frequent change in google’s algorithm, offering you more time to focus on critical business needs. 

Atrica AI Seo Software For The SolopeneurFrom the bottom of page irrelevant to top of the search query on google, ATRICA is ready to replace the minutiae of search engine optimization.

  1. Data Entry (Schema, Meta, ETC) 
  2. Indexing Pages That Randomly Require Re-Indexing
  3. Finding New LTK That You Never Knew Existed
  4. Optimizing OTK So You Are Always On Top Of Your Competitors
  5. Fixing Hard To Find Errors
  6. Updating For Google’s Ever Changing Algorithm (In Real Time)
  7. Saving time on performing repetitive SEO tasks.

No other software on the market currently provides a quicker or more technically advanced keyword ranking solution to handling Google’s search algorithm.

ATRICA has a verifiable return on investment through the many case studies it has conducted in a variety of industries.
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